Sunday Breakfast Club

Following the motto of slow mornings, cosiness & good food, we offer you 2 delicious new breakfast formulas during our Sunday Breakfast Club, which will delight the mindful & healthy brains, surfing elephants and regular 'clubbers'.

We will prepare the following two formulas for your: The Turtle Roll & The Duck Dive. The latter is completely vegan!

Check out the description of each formula in the subscription form below.

Timing? 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 March between 10am & 12am
Where? The bar at Surfing Elephant

Breakfast Subscription
Choose your Sunday: (*)
Name (*) First Name (*) E-mail (*) DUCK DIVE (€ 25)
Fresh fruit salad - 2 Banana pancakes - Yoghurt bowl with seasonal fruits, granola, nuts & seeds - Spelt croissant - Assortment of bread - Assortment of toppings - Home made fresh smoothie - Hot drink (or soda) - Fresh pink grapefruit & orange juice TURTLE ROLL (€ 25)
Fresh fruit salad - Assortment of bread - Brie, mature cheese, Breydel ham, salami - Chocolate roll & croissant - Quiche Lorraine with salad - Home made fresh smoothie - Hot drink (or soda) - Fresh pink grapefruit & orange juice LITTLE DUCK (€ 18)
Fresh fruit salad - 1 Banana pancake - Yoghurt bowl with seasonal fruits, granola, nuts & seeds - Spelt croissant - Assortment of bread - Assortment of toppings - Home made Smoothie - Hot drink (or soda) LITTLE TURTLE (€ 18)
Fresh fruit salad - 2 pieces of bread - Cheese & Ham - Mini chocolate roll & croissant - Quiche Lorraine with salad Fresh home made smoothie - Hot drink (or soda) Extra question or remark

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